Thursday, June 4, 2009

My plan for "I'll Seek the Lord Early"

I don't have everything finalized yet but I know I'm going to have the whole singing/sharing time so I hope it works! I plan on doing all the opening exercises stuff and then sneaking out right before the do the spotlights so I can go get dressed. I'm going to come in wearing a trench coat, fedora, and carrying a magnifying glass. I'm hoping to really ham it up but I'm NOT an actress so I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off or not. Anyway, I'm going to come into the room looking through my magnifying glass and searching all over the room while telling the kids I'm looking for something really important. I'll have them guess a few things to see if they can figure out what it is I'm searching for. I'm going to have several clues hidden throughout the room. I'll get to the first one and act like I've just found something amazing. The first clue will have something to do with the first line of the song and lead us to the next clue. After I find the first one I'm going to have the kids help me find the rest of them. I might dress them up too or let them use the magnifying glass or something. After we've found all the clues and words to the song I'll sing it through for them and then we'll sing it together while I pitch lead. While I'm singing the song to them the first time I usually try to have something for them to listen for like, what word do I sing on the highest note, or what word do I say three times. Something along those lines so I know they are listening.

After we've sung it through a couple of times together if there's still time left we'll probably do some fun songs or sing the song some more using my Stop/Go; Forte/Piano; and Staccato/Legato signs. This is their FAVORITE thing to do!

I may change this up a little for SR primary. I don't know how well they'll take to me acting like a Private Detective. They may be too cool for this! :) Any help or suggestions are always welcome!


  1. I introduced Seek the Lord Early on Sunday. It went so well I thought I would share.

    It was a sort of treasure hunt as well. I started by saying that we were seeking something and need to go on a hunt to find it. I tried to ham it up as well with a magnifying glass etc. but I'm also not a great actress. I started by having the pianist play through the song then we sang through the
    first line. When we sang through the first line I asked them a question and then the
    person who could answer it got to open the clue.

    So for instance the question to answer before I gave them clue number 1 was.
    When should we seek the Lord? Someone answered it and then got to open the
    envelope. Inside the envelope was a picture of the piano. So they went and
    seached by the piano to find clue number 2. When they found that clue they sat
    down and we sang through the second line of the song. Then I asked them the
    question on the front of clue 2. Which was If you seek the Lord, what will he
    help you to know? When a person answered that question they came up and opened
    the envelope to discover a picture of the podium. So they went to search at the
    podium for the next clue. We continued in this manner.

    After we had sang through all the song and found all the clues. The last
    question was What is the reward we find at the end of the song? When someone
    answered that question they opened the envelope to see a picture of the table at
    the front of the room. Before primary started, I put a picture of Christ on the
    table. The child came up and searched for the reward. Some were quick to catch
    on what the treasure was but others were not. It was very powerful when I
    talked about how He had been here the whole time and we were the one's who had
    to seek him not physically but spiritually. This worked so well.

  2. Thank you for this idea. I used it last Sunday and I felt it went well. I especially like how you ended it with the picture of Christ having been there all the time, but that they needed to seek him to find him. Thank you so much! What are you planning to do to review it the rest of the month?

  3. These ideas are great! Thank you for taking the time to share them. I was just called as primary chorister last week, so I am really new at this. Our jr. primary is so rowdy and very it'll be a fun challenge. Do you happen to have your stop/go signs on file somewhere I could print out? Did you put them on a Popsicle stick or something? My email is I would welcome any suggestions you might have. I joined that primusic group and that is a great site! Thanks!

  4. Oh thank you so much for this post! I was scrambling to find a way to teach this song to the kids. We are singing it in our program this year and I just didn't know what to do. You saved me! I am planning on using this tomorrow. I will let you know how it went. Thanks again.

  5. jeni! How fun to find you here! I found your link on a different Singing time blog. I'm the Primary President now and was looking for ideas and ways to support our Music Leader.

    Are you ready for your program? Let me know how it goes. Ours is October 24th.

    Andrea (chia)
